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What is Personalysis ®

Personalysis® was founded upon the belief that human beings are not either/or creatures. We can be outgoing sometimes and quiet at other times – or highly active and then thoughtful/contemplative. A simple trait or label doesn’t capture the richness inherent in personality. So, the founder, James Noland, created a different kind of personality assessment.


The Personalysis® Profile uses a simple, straightforward framework to identify three distinct parts of personality to offer a picture of your personality in action.


The Personalysis® Profile will identify the behaviours you most prefer to use – and it tells you when you will use them.


The Personalysis® Profile captures the diversity within a personality. It offers a more complete view of you and gives a new whole-person perspective to your personality.


All human beings share a common operating system: patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that make up their personalities. However, no two people are exactly alike; everyone has a unique collection of characteristics, drives, and motivations.


Personalysis® offers you a way to better understand your personality and to identify your dynamic pattern of strengths and needs, which may be very different at times. It offers insights about where and when you have the most and least energy, helping you use your gifts to succeed both personally and professionally.


Personalysis® helps individuals by facilitating strategic self-awareness. Understanding your underlying style traits and core motivation helps you learn to manage your strengths to increase personal and professional success.


The use of colours provides a quick and memorable way to describe your needs, strengths and behaviour. Each colour represents specific tendencies, drives, and natural motivations. Since individuals are made up of a combination of behaviours, we use colour combinations as an  easy way to describe the complexity of human personality.

(While each colour trait is distinct, all colours are inherently equal in value. Attempting to rank the colours is like trying to rank the five senses. Each is important and valuable for its own sake. The best colours for you are the colours in your profile because they are the only colours that will work for you.)

Sample team strengths profile

Sample team chart with individual profiles

Sample SNAP profile giving an instant appreciation of a persons strengths

I use Personalysis to support individuals and teams.

If you are interested to understand how it could be beneficial for you please email me at and I will get in touch to set up a date for a no-obligation conversation.


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